Are you looking for a Colleyville Texas Custody Attorney? You’ll need to read this article. It is important that your attorney be able to meet yours and your children’s needs. This is likely a difficult time. In the situation of splitting child custody, your children need some stability. Whether the other parent or guardian is cooperative or not, you will still need a family law attorney to represent you.
In this article, we will talk about the process of attaining or splitting child custody in Texas, what you should be prepared for, and how to make contact with The Fetty Firm. If you scroll to the bottom you will able to find all the contact information for this law firm. Now, let’s continue.
What are the factors in a child custody case?
Child custody is referred to as “conservatorship” in Texas. In order to settle on conservatorship, you and the other parent will have to go to court if you can’t settle on an agreement between yourselves. Otherwise, a family court will decide fair terms for you.
Custody will be divided between the primary and joint conservators. The primary conservator is the one who has the child most of the time. To decide who this will be, the court will look at these factors;
There are some other pertinent factors to consider. The court will consider;
The joint conservator will have to pay child support to the primary parent until the child turns 18. That way, the primary caretaker can have financial assistance doing so.
In the case that you are going through a divorce, you and your spouse will have to take a parenting class before the divorce is finalized. This class is required for the purpose of bettering the environment for your children and for you as well. If you need to take this course online, you can do so.
Wherever you will be living with the child will be fully evaluated, regardless of your primary or joint status. You need to be able to provide resources such as running water, electricity, cleanliness, and etc. A court representative will come to your home and even evaluate your finances to determine if you can provide for your child.
If you or the other parent has a history of domestic abuse or sexual assault, this will restrict your parental rights. Furthermore, if either of you intends on living with someone who has a history of either, you are required to notify the court and your partner. That way, the child’s safety may be prioritized while deciding where they stay. The worse the charges, the worse the potential penalty.
Parents who are in prison, parole, or on probation are not legally entitled to visitation. This will be decided by the other parent and the court.
Child custody situations can be complicated and nuanced, as our lives tend to be. You may be unsure about whether or not you need an attorney. Chances are if you are already looking, you probably do. Let’s think about some possible situations that may be similar to yours.
Lily and Jack were not together for very long, but their relationship yielded a child. Neither of them knows each other very well and have no desire to be in a relationship, but they both want to be in their child’s life. However, they are unsure about what would be fair and want to consult the court to divide their parental rights.
Laura divorced her husband and separated child custody a couple of years ago, but she now feels that he has become an irresponsible parent. The kids are not comfortable in his home, he frequently argues with her in front of them, and she believes she deserves primary conservatorship. Laura can take her ex back to court to redecide their custody terms.
Jonathan’s ex-wife is currently the primary conservator of their teenage daughter, but she wants to move herself and their daughter out-of-state. Regardless of what happens here, the court should be present to help reach a decision. A case like this can become complicated and make visitation harder to use. Jonathan doesn’t want his daughter out-of-state, but she is excited to move with her mother to another state.
The Fetty Firm covers all matters involving the family court. This includes, but is not limited to;
If you have found yourself needing legal representation for any of the above situations, you should get into contact with our firm immediately.
The Fetty Firm
It is easy to get into contact with us. You can start by filling out our contact form here or by calling (214)-546-5746. The Fetty Firm has everything you need while seeking family law representation. Do not prolong this process. Get into contact with us today so that you can have the upper hand in your next case.
This doesn’t need to be a complicated matter for you. Contact us today to get the Colleyville Texas Custody Attorney you need to move on with your life.