Estate Planning and Probate Attorney – Tarrant County

Common Estate Planning Myths:

Lawyers say there are some common misconceptions when it comes to estate planning and probate law. Don’t allow yourself to get caught up with some of these untruths:

  • Only wealthy people or those with many assets need to have an estate plan. Estate planning is about much more than finances. A Tarrant County Estate Planner assists with what should happen if the testator is unable to care for himself or herself and is unable to manage finances.
  • Only older individuals need to have an estate plan. The fact is, every adult needs at least a will. It’s always wise to be prepared for life’s unforeseen events.
  • The state takes the assets of anyone who dies without a will. Every state has intestacy laws to determine who will inherit what.
  • Probate doesn’t apply if there is a will. That depends whether or not the testator owns real estate in more than one state. These properties might have to go through probate in the states in which they’re located.

Are you currently searching for top-rated Texas Estate Lawyers? If so, you should definitely check out the services offered by The Fetty Firm, PC. With over ten years in the legal sector, Rashelle Fetty, our sole attorney, has the experience necessary to assist clients in cases dealing with real estate plan and probate, family legal issues including personal injury, and other related legal services in and around Greater Dallas, Fort Worth, and Tarrant County. Thanks to our vast experience, we’re sure in our ability to get you the most comprehensive settlements for your cases. Even more, our commitment to excellence will ensure that you get legal services that adhere to the highest standards in the field.

When dealing with matters such as estate planning and family law, you don’t want to compromise on the quality of legal representation you get. There is too much at stake with these types of cases to neglect to acquire adequate services. With Rashelle Fetty and The Fetty Firm, you’ll receive legal assistance that is both attentive and personalized. We take great pride in truly helping our clients. Moreover, we always aim to excel in every case we take on. Overall, when you choose The Fetty Firm, you are betting on experience, dedication, and a true commitment to excellence. If you wish to learn more about our services and how they can help you, contact us at your earliest convenience.

Colleyville Texas Estate Lawyers

Among the Best Colleyville Texas Estate Lawyers

Among the Best Texas Estate Lawyers

Estate planning and family law matters are way too delicate to treat lightly. Generally speaking, the best form of action for these cases is to acquire the services of an experienced and dedicated family law attorney. Rashelle Fetty is both the owner and sole attorney of The Fetty Firm. Growing up in Enid, Oklahoma, Rashelle then went on to attend Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia. While at ODU, Rashelle finished her bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice while also playing for the school’s NCAA Division 1 women’s golf team. Afterward, Ms. Fetty began law school at Regent University School of Law in Virginia Beach, Virginia, completing her studies at Texas Wesleyan School of Law (currently named Texas A&M School of Law) in Fort Worth, Texas. In 2013, Ms. Fetty passed the Texas Bar Exam and went on to found The Fetty Firm shortly after.

Rashelle has been working in the legal field for over ten years, and as such, has a wide range of experience. She focuses her practice areas on family law, estate planning, and probate. So you can reach out if you need assistance in cases dealing with divorce, adoption, child custody, modification of family law orders, and other related cases. Above all, The Fetty Firm is pleased to be an excellent choice for clients with all types of legal needs and in all ranges of situations. We aim to provide big-firm results while providing the caring support of a small firm. Moreover, Rashelle Fetty always prioritizes her clients while helping them experience the difference that personal attention makes.

General Overview of Estate Planning

Here at The Fetty Firm, we give clients the personalized attention they deserve when dealing with estate planning. Furthermore, we’ll create a comprehensive estate plan that fits your particular specifications. For those who are yet to take care of their estate planning, the time to do it is now. And for parents, you should, at a minimum, have a will and a designation of a guardian in place.

Generally speaking, everybody should aim to have a comprehensive estate plan that ensures the accurate carrying out of their wishes. Fortunately, our experienced Colleyville estate planning attorney can assist in the drafting of wills, trusts, and other related documents. With our experience and commitment to excellence, we can help clients with the following:

Law firm for family law cases

Legal assistance for family law and estate planning


A trust is not a necessity for everyone, but it is for many. The Fetty Firm can help you determine whether or not a trust is in your best interests. Given your circumstances, we’ll determine whether you need a trust and what type of trust would be best for you. Keep in mind that trusts are more complicated than wills, and you should seek legal advice from an experienced estate attorney such as Rashelle Fetty. Together, we’ll find the best type of trust for your particular circumstances.

In short, a trust is an arrangement where a person (trustee), holds a legal title over a property for the beneficiary. You can be a trustee to your own trust, which would allow you to maintain all control over the property held in that trust. Trust can actually be created when you’re alive and even after you pass away. If you happen to pass away, you can have a post-mortem trust created based on the terms held in your will.

Designation of Guardian

Experienced Texas Law Attorney

Great Law Firm in Texas

Although nobody wishes for this, the truth is that death and severe accidents do tend to happen. If you ever pass away or are incapacitated, you don’t want a judge determining who your child’s guardian will be. As such, it is very important that you designate a guardian for your children in the case that you can’t care for them anymore. Overall, designating a guardian is one of the most significant aspects of estate planning. Additionally, by designating a guardian, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your wishes will be held even when you pass away or become incapacitated.

Advanced Directive/Living Will

An advanced directive/living will, is a document that instructs doctors and caregivers for what type of end-of-life medical treatments you want or doesn’t want in the case that you are unable to give the instructions yourself. These instructions can include do not resuscitate orders and instructions on organ donation. Advanced Directives usually cover:

  • Electric shock or CPR
  • Breathing machines
  • Tube feeding
  • Dialysis
  • Medicine
  • Palliative care
  • Organ donations

Contact Us Today

If you are interested in learning more about our services, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. You can reach The Fetty Firm by calling (241) 546-5746. Moreover, you can learn more about our services and why we are among Colleyville Texas Estate Lawyers by visiting our estate planning webpage.

Child Custody Lawyer

Child Custody Lawyer




As parents, we all want what’s best for our children. Understandably, we are going to make every effort to give what we feel is best. That’s why child custody is one of the most challenging aspects of divorce.

Child Custody Lawyer

The litigation process is extensive, lengthy, and quite frankly, difficult. Generally, it is best that you hire a family law attorney that has extensive knowledge of Texas child custody law.

Experienced Colleyville child custody lawyer Rashelle Fetty understands what you are going through. You want to make the best decision to ensure your child’s welfare. Rashelle Fetty and the Fetty Firm’s goal for each child custody case is to ensure that the rights of your child and your rights as a parent are protected.

Knowing your options

Rashelle Fetty will advise you of the types of custody that are available as your child custody lawyer. She will explain each option thoroughly. In short, there are four custody options available: joint, sole, temporary, and split.

Joint Custody

Joint custody, which is the preference of many Texas courts, is where both parents are awarded custody of the child. Joint custody is further broken down into three types:

  • Joint legal custody, which means that both parents have the legal right to make decisions for the child.
  • Share physical custody, which is the event that the child has two legal residences.
  • Combination of joint legal and physical custody, in which determined by numerous factors. Please consult with Rashelle Fetty and the Fetty Firm for examples as to how this may work.

Sole Custody

Sole custody is when one parent has both legal and physical custody of the child. All decisions pertaining to upbringing, education, health care, and other matters rest with parent with full legal custody. The child lives full time with the parent who has physical custody of the child.

Temporary Custody

Temporary custody is often the first step of child custody litigation, and it refers to where the child will be residing at the start of the process. The court will decide based upon the child’s best interest. This is only a short-term arrangement.

Split Custody

This differs from the types of custody listed above and typically involves two or more children. The court may decide to award full physical custody of one or more children to one parent, however neither parent has full custody of all the children. This arrangement may be based on numerous factors, such as the child’s age, where the children wish to live, and other factors.

Child custody is a very complex process and to ensure that your child’s rights and your rights are protected, you must contact an experienced child custody lawyer. Consult with The Fetty Firm today.



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